February 23, 2023 by Mitchell 1
Enable the AutoPartSearch Catalog Today!
Faster, smarter purchases of used OE parts
Now you can quickly select the parts you need and purchase them through your shop management software. Not only does this allow faster and quicker purchases, but it also saves valuable time so there is no more manual entry. Once the order is placed, an order is directly created into the recycler’s yard management system resulting in faster fulfillment.
It’s quick and easy to get setup!
All you need to do is enable the AutoPartSearch catalog as a preferred vendor in your shop management software platform, and you’re on your way to shop efficiency and savings!
Get Started Now!
To get setup, simply scan the QR code to watch a step-by-step video.
Or download the steps provided in the URG website by clicking the button:
Why Buy Recycled?
Kristen Alexander
URG Director of Sales & Marketing
email: kalexander@u-r-g.com
direct: 512-887-7922
Amanda Morrison
URG Director, Member & Vendor Relations
email: amorrison@u-r-g.com
direct: 512-887-3951
Want more? Here’s how you can get a free 14 day trial of Manager SE shop management:
Not a Manager SE customer yet? Get a FREE 14 day trial of Manager SE shop management software by clicking below. It's 100% free with no obligation to buy and no credit card required.
2023 Owned and Managed by John Lopez - Mitchell 1 Independent Sales Representative - (504) 289-0953 - john.lopez@mitchell1repair.com